USACE Building & Garage Roof Replacement, MCRC Wilmington DE – $2.1M

Doyon Technical Services collaborated with NOAA on a 180-day project. The scope of work involved:

  1. Investigating, procuring, and constructing the removal and replacement of the existing boat launch platform based on plan sheets.
  2. Repairing the existing cathodic protection system.
  3. Performing miscellaneous coating repairs to prevent future corrosion issues on the existing SPIP (Structural Platform in Place).
  4. Including support brackets, clamps, plates, a cage ladder, and the upper instrumentation platform.

This project aimed to enhance the functionality and longevity of the existing infrastructure.

NAVFAC Land Based Engineers Sites Demolition Package, Philadelphia Navy Yard Annex, PA – $6.1M

Doyon Management Services will be working with NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic PWD Pennsylvania on this 280 calendar day on this $6.1M project to partially demolish existing components and systems in Building 77H in preparation for a future repair project by others, and other incidental related work.

FHWA Tanana River Recreation Area Improvements, Fairbanks, AK – $8.6M

Doyon Management Services will be working with the Federal Highway Administration, Western Federal Lands Highway Division on this 558-calendar-day project to improve access to the Tanana Lake Recreation Area (TLRA) and to federally-managed lands along the Tanana River. Work will end by Fall of 2024. The scope of work includes:
• The project will begin at the South Lathrop Street and Sanduri Avenue intersection where an existing at-grade road/rail crossing will be replaced.
• Reconstructing South Lathrop Street to the Tanana flood control levee with a 32-foot-wide, paved driving surface.
• Extending South Lathrop Street approx. 1,700-feet beyond the Tanana flood control levee with a new 32-foot-wide, paved driving surface.
• Extending Northlake Lane approx. 500-feet to a new 4-way intersection with the new South Lathrop Street extension.
• Parking lot resurfacing and expansion of the Swim Beach Parking Lot, paving of the Motorized Boat Launch and Non-Motorized Boat Launch, new restroom installation, and 1500’ of ADA compliant pathway.
• Vehicle plug-in installation at the Motorized Boat Launch and Non-Motorized Boat Launch.

USACE Agricultural Research Service Screenhouses, Corvallis, OR – $10.1M

Doyon Management Services will be working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District and Oregon State University on this 540 calendar day project at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS)/ National Clonal Germplasm Repository located at the Lewis Brown Research Farm to replace six existing 35′ x 85′ wooden framed screenhouses with three 30′ x 85′ gutter connected screenhouses (60′ x 85′ total square feet each structure) and a single 30′ x 85′ screenhouse including various greenhouse improvements.

USAF Repair East Apron B5009, Hill AFB, UT – $4.1M

Doyon Management Services will be working with the U.S. Air Force on this 365 calendar day project to provide full depth slab replacement of on select PCC panels and minor repairs on other panels on the section of the East Apron (about 236,000 SF of apron pavement located between Building 233 and Taxiway A) at Hill AFB, UT.

USSF Repair Titan 115kV Substation, CCSFS, FL – $954K

Doyon Management Services will be working with the U.S. Space Force on this 210 calendar day Design-Build project to replace forty-five 115KV vertical bus support insulators, six-115KV ganged switches, thirty-nine 115KV suspension insulators and twenty-five galvanized structural support braces at the Titan Substation on Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, FL.

USFS Seed Extractory Building Site Improvements, Bend, OR – $1.5M

Doyon Management Services will be working with the U.S. Forest Service on this 180 calendar day project to provide electrical, mechanical, and site improvements at multiple buildings at the Bend Seed Extractory in Bend, OR. Work includes connection of restrooms from two buildings to City of Bend sewer system, replacement of halon fire suppression systems with new clean agent systems in two buildings, and new electrical controls and process integration for multiple buildings. Optional work includes new power backup generator for seed freezer building and rebuild of tree cooler humidification system.

NAVFAC Final Denial Barrier, NSA Mechanicsburg, PA – $998K

Doyon Management Services will be working with NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic on this 240 calendar day project to install a final denial barrier and ancillary ATFP features at the north gate and main entrance. The work includes but is not limited to, the work indicated on the drawings and specifications for W.O. #1668786. The work is located at the Naval Support Activity, Mechanicsburg, PA, approximately as indicated.

USACE Repair Permanent Party Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing Building, JBLM, WA – $25.9M

Doyon Management Services will be working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on this $25.9M, 540-calendar-day project to provide a complete renovation, including both interior and exterior repairs, for a complete and usable building for housing soldiers. The project will repair and reconfigure the existing barracks Building 09175, to align with the current standard for Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing (UEPH). The building was originally constructed 1985-88 with 2/2 dwelling modules. The new layout for the building will be 1/1 dwelling modules to align with the UEPH guidelines.

NPS Rehabilitate Historic Youngshome at the Charles Young Monument in Xenia, OH – $5.4M

Doyon Management Services will be working with the National Park Services (NPS) on this 395 calendar-day project to rehabilitate 4,500-SF of historic Youngs House to its period of significance of 1907-1922. Work includes but not limited to restoration and reconstruction of Queen Anne style window sashes, ornamental concrete block front porch, glass conservatory and pergola, and fountain. The project also includes upgrades to electrical, lighting, heating, ventilation, and cooling, security systems, ADA accessibility of doorways, restrooms and installation of a passenger elevator.