National Park Services (NPS) Northern Intermountain Region MATOC – $40M

In October 2018, Doyon Management Services was awarded a 5-year, $40M Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Rocky Mountain Construction Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) by the National Park Services in collaboration with the Northern Rockies Contracting Offices1. Under this contract, Doyon Management Services provided general construction services, including the repair or rehabilitation of both historic and non-historic structures. Additionally, the contract covered a minimal amount of new construction across various project types. These services encompassed a wide range of areas, such as:

Site Utilities (water, sewer, gas, electric, communications)
Site Improvements (trail, fence, grading, concrete work, landscaping)
Water & Wastewater
Roadway (bike paths, roadways, signage, striping)
Fire & Safety
Building exterior and interior
Plumbing (MEP)
Sustainability (energy efficiency, renewables)

This collaborative effort aimed to enhance and maintain critical infrastructure within the Rocky Mountain region

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) DB/DBB National Construction MACC – $500M

In August 2018, Doyon Management Services was awarded a 5-year, $500M Design/Build (DB), Design/Bid/Build (DBB) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) National Construction Multiple Award Construction Contract (NMACC) by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. This contract involved facilities primarily located in any of the 50 United States. The NMACC encompassed a wide range of DB and DBB projects, including:

  • New construction
  • Modular construction
  • Demolition
  • Repair
  • Alteration
  • Renovation of buildings, systems, and infrastructure

These projects covered various aspects such as civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, fire protection, and communication systems. The types of facilities included:

  • Educational
  • Administrative
  • Industrial
  • Operational
  • Maintenance
  • Warehouses
  • Communications
  • Personnel support
  • Recreation
  • Lodging
  • Dormitory
  • Medical
  • Training
  • Ranges
  • Roads

Projects awarded under this NMACC had an estimated construction cost ranging from approximately $750,000.00 to $20,000,000.00. Smaller and larger dollar value projects were also considered. The Northern American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the majority of projects under this NMACC was 236220 Commercial and Institutional Building Construction, with a Small Business Size Standard of $36,500,000

NAVFAC 8(a) DB/DBB General Construction, Repair, Renovation IDIQ, NWS Yorktown, VA – $4M

In September 2018, Doyon Management Services was awarded a 5-year, $4M, 8(a) Design/Build, Design/Bid/Build Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) General Construction and Repair/Renovation Contract by the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC). This contract involved projects in the Public Works Department (PWD) Yorktown, Virginia Area of Responsibility (AOR), which encompassed several locations:

  • Naval Weapons Station
  • Cheatham Annex, Yorktown
  • Camp Peary
  • Sugar Grove, West Virginia
  • Reserve Centers in Virginia and West Virginia (including but not limited to Newport News, Richmond, Lynchburg, Roanoke, VA, Huntington, and Moundsville, WV).

The scope of work covered a variety of project types, including new construction, repair, renovation, and alteration of buildings, systems, and infrastructure. These projects spanned different facility types such as administrative, housing, child care centers, recreation/fitness centers, retail complexes, manufacturing and industrial facilities, communication facilities, and more. The estimated construction cost for projects awarded under this contract ranged from approximately $750,000.00 to $20,000,000.00. The Northern American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the majority of projects was 236220 Commercial and Institutional Building Construction, with a Small Business Size Standard of $36,500,000.

U.S. Air Force Wright-Patterson AFB MACC – $100M

Awarded in April 2015, Doyon Management Services is working with the Department of the Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB on this 7-year, $100M, Firm Fixed Price (FFP) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC).
DMS is furnishing all personnel, equipment, tools, materials, supervision and other items and services necessary to design, manage and accomplish a broad range of maintenance, repair, alteration, restoration and/or new construction work on various real property facilities at Wright-Patterson AFB. The type of work includes alteration and repair of buildings, structures, roads, grounds, roofs, specialty construction, utilities including JP-8 fuel systems and miscellaneous services including hazardous waste removal.

EPA HAZMAT Building Replacement, Narragansett, RI – $1.3M

Doyon Management Services was awarded a $1.3M project from the Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Office of Research and Development, Atlantic Coastal Environmental Science Division for Building Demolition and Replacement Project at the USEPA’s Narragansett, Rhode Island, facility.  The project, a Task order under DMS’ IDIQ Contract, will require demolition and reinstallation of an existing entrance ramp, as well as replacement of the building’s roof, room heaters, most of the building’s lighting, and the fire protection system will be upgraded.  New security devices, exhaust fam, emergency eyewash shower stations and a water tempering skid will be added.  The project is planned for a 12-month completion schedule.

U.S. Air Force Replace Sanitary Sewer Lines at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH – $892K

Doyon Management Services won a $892K project under its U.S. Air Force Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC) for Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, to replace the sanitary sewer system at Facility 10822.  The project was awarded as a 200-calendar-day, Firm-Fixed Price Task Order that was competitively bid.

U.S. Coast Guard Repair Cargo Wharf Pier on Base Kodiak, AK – $936K

BIA Tyhee Siphon Rehabilitation Project, Fort Hall, ID – $8.2M

U.S. Air Force Renovate Refueler Maintenance Facility, Dover AFB, DE – $552K

Doyon Management Services is providing Design-Build services for the U.S. Air Force to Renovate their Refueler Maintenance Facility at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware. The project consists of design and installation of a natural gas line, boiler, furnace, and a split air conditioning unit. Additionally, the work will modify the existing sanitary sewer lines, renovate the restrooms, restore the floor, and demolish a 400SF building.